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Callum Hogan joins Hawkins’ Digital Forensics Team

Cyber, Digital & Technology

Hawkins is pleased to welcome Digital Investigator Callum Hogan to our Manchester Office.

Callum graduated from the University of Central Lancashire in 2017 with a First Class Honours degree in Forensic Computing. He has previously occupied the positions of Digital Forensic Analyst, Senior eDiscovery and Digital Forensic Analyst and Digital Forensic Project Manager at different global companies.

Callum specialises in Digital Forensics and eDiscovery. His expertise means he completes each stage of Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) models and the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) whilst conforming to ACPO guidelines and ISO standards. This requires using various industry standard Digital Forensic acquisition and analysis tools, as well as eDiscovery platforms, so digital devices and their data can be properly identified, preserved, collected, examined, analysed and presented.

Callum has been instructed on several high-profile criminal and civil litigations, investigations, and matters, as well as a public inquiry. This has involved the preparation of expert witness reports for use in Criminal, Civil and Family law courts.

Callum joined Hawkins in June 2021 and is an Associate based in our Manchester office. He is a Professional Member of the British Computer Society and holds multiple accreditations for Digital Forensic tools and eDiscovery platforms.

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