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Hawkins Hosts Client Receptions in Singapore & Dubai

Recently Hawkins welcomed clients to our winter drink receptions. The Singapore office, managed by Regional Director Dr David Rose, had over 50 people in attendance at the Singapore Cricket Club. Hawkins’ investigators Graham Cooper, Shimin Zhuang, Dr Chris Wareham, Nico Zurcher and Rob Edwards joined David in Singapore for the event. David says that it was great to see so many familiar faces and some new, and was delighted to see everybody enjoying themselves.

Selfie at Hawkins's Singapore Client Reception
David Rose & Pooba Mahalingham,
Selfie at Hawkins's Singapore Client Reception
Selfie at Hawkins's Singapore Client Reception

Guest Pooba Mahalingham, shared some selfies from the event on LinkedIn.  Pooba and Dr David Rose give a thumbs up top right.

Hawkins’ Dubai Office hosted their winter reception the same week at the rooftop bar of the Taj Hotel. Regional Director, Dr Chris Wareham, and forensic architect, Austen Smith, were joined by colleagues Nico Zurcher, Shimin Zhuang, and Yang Dang from our Singapore office. Chris says it was a pleasure to catch up with colleagues and clients alike and looks forward to hosting another event again soon.

Hawkins extends our warmest thanks to everyone for their continued support and we wish all of our clients a happy festive season.

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