Andrew Peplow

Andrew Peplow - Principal Consultant

Welcome Andrew Peplow to the Hawkins Cambridge team as a Principal Acoustics Consultant.

Marie Gauthier

Marie Gauthier - Acoustics

Welcome Marie Gauthier, to the Hawkins London team as an Principal Acoustics Consultant specialising in personal injury.

Henry Stead

Investigator Henry Stead

Henry holds a Masters of Engineering degree (MEng) from the University of Southampton and is an associate member of the Institute of Acoustics (AMIOA).

Forensic Investigation of Acoustic Shock

Image of speaker surrounded by broken glass having shattered through noise and vibration exposure

The field of acoustics and noise has become aware of a different type of injury – one in which the injured party need only be exposed to noise on one occasion and is termed ‘acoustic shock’.

Jonathan Dance

Investigator Jonathan Dance

Jonathan graduated from The University of Exeter with a degree in Physics in 2019. During his time at university, Jonathan’s MPhys degree covered a wide range of topics including advanced quantum physics, condensed matter physics, electromagnetism and biophysics. He completed a master’s thesis focused on producing a 3D finite element analysis model of a section of the human spine from CT imagery, in order to better understand the role the endplate plays in distributing loads in the spine. Jonathan also spent a year living in Christchurch, New Zealand studying at Canterbury University as part of his degree. He now works alongside Ros Lambert-Porter with architects, manufacturers, facilities managers, and end-users to supply the following services: noise impact, room acoustics assessments, noise at work assessments, design consultation, vibration measurement, and consultation for product development. Jonathan joined Hawkins in November 2019 and is a Senior Acoustics Consultant based in our London Office.

Rosalind Lambert-Porter

Rosalind is an acoustics consultant with degrees in both Audiology and Acoustics. With consulting experience in the United Kingdom, Africa and Australia, she has had a varied career in different sectors from vibration monitoring in mining and creation of hearing conservation programmes through to environmental noise impact and school acoustics design. Her particular area of interest, given her background in both hearing science and noise control, is in acoustics in the workplace with a focus on the impact of noise on wellbeing. Ros held the post of Regional Manager in our Cambridge Office before becoming Managing Director of Hawkins Acoustics Consultancy.