Fires Associated With Twin-Wall Flues

Residential property on fire with flames across the rooftop

This article will focus on the installation of twin-wall flue systems and the dangers they can pose if not installed to the safety standard set out in the Building Regulations.

Industrial Boilers for Power Generation: Issues Relating to Fuel Oil Use

Industrial boiler

Industrial boilers in power stations and petrochemical plants produce steam for use both in power generation and as process steam. In these types of plant, the boilers are often fuelled using coal, oil or gas. Burning coal and oil generates ash, which requires periodic removal from the boiler in order to maintain efficient boiler operation.

Decorative Laminates

Stock image of wood laminate floor squares

This article discusses some of the common problems that cause laminates and their underlying substrates to become ‘unbalanced’.

Investigating Railway Collisions

Image of derailed train at potter barn

Collisions involving trains and trams result in damage to vehicles and personal injuries, with consequential effects on service delivery and lost revenue.

The Perils of Maintenance

Maintenance includes preventative routine actions such as cleaning, lubrication, inspection, and thorough examination. It includes corrective actions when a fault is detected or a break-down occurs such as repairs, replacing parts or clearing blockages.